Exhibition : 03.-11.06.2016
♥ ♥ ♥ PUSSY PROPELLER is an art collective based in Vienna, Austria. PUSSY PROPELLER was founded in 2012 and operates within the fields of performance, photography, video and fine art. The collective explores the possibilities of self-expression, self-interrogation and constitution of reality in general, which are provided by the Internet with it’s various forms of social networks, blogs, video platforms et cetera. PUSSY PROPELLER constantly works on building it’s own parallel universe by using the Internet not only for documentation, but as an art form itself. The participation of both the audience and other artists is central to the collective’s practice - the borders between reception, production, participation and collaboration are blurred. PETTING transfers the collective’s practice of creating it’s own virtual reality into real space. The exhibition presents PUSSY PROPELLERs latest fine art, video and zine production. ♥ ♥ ♥ |