by Marko Tirnanic
Marko’s work can be analyzed in the context of postcolonial studies, however, what seems to be the key for its understanding is, in this case, the critique of ideology and biopolitics. By installing the grid, the fence, at the height of his own eyesight, author imposes his point of view to the visitors; his perspective is central and dominant, while everybody else is even physically forced to adapt to these set conditions. Foucault’s critique of systems of social repression takes the problem of discipline of the body as a central point, as body has been discovered as an object and target of the authority since classic times. Discipline is primary established through organization of space and activities (see M. Foucault, Discipline and Punish). By codifying the space of the gallery, organizing and controlling the movement of the visitors, as with the layout of exhibited works, Marko’s work produces, and at the same time “reveals”, the constructs of “natural” relations of power, authority, obedience and discipline. Unlike previous works, which questioned how different social roles, positions and practices (religion, class, education, gender) limit our freedoms, Marko’s focus in the exhibition PERSPEKTIVE is on complex set of relations which prevail in the contemporary art world.
text by Nina Mihaljinac i Jovana Vasić
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