by Stefanie Koscher
"Steffko - Die Kunst #1" is an virtual performative artificial persona created by Stefanie Koscher.
As an alienated reflection of the human psyche being exposed to the web 2.0. the main interest of "Steffko – Die Kunst #1" lies in topics such as online performance, internet as a stage, virtual personality, virtual image and virtual self-presentation. Internet trends and online-phenomenas are considered and used as an important tool for analyzing a “society 2.0” from a rather psychological standpoint. "Steffko – Die Kunst #1" is also participating in a feminist discourse, trying to define and question current and past roles that women have been taking on up to the present virtual day and age.
These ideas show themselves through a deeply performative nature as well as a strong visual focus on digital video and video effects such as experimental montage inspired by current online-aesthetics. By combining those key aspects in media, the material results in a minimalistic and performative internet symbolism.
Performance im Rahmen der Vernissage:
"The Life and Death of Steffko – Die Kunst #1", alternate title „#safespace work in progress“ is a performative theatrical collage that uses dramatic as well as popcultural symbolism to explore effects of prominent tendencies in virtual communication (web 2.0) on the human psyche.
Additional Performers:
Mercedes Springer
Elisabeth Ward